

Beware of FAKE Email from Photographer-Infringement Copyright

It has come to my attention from a few of my clients that they had received an email from a photographer claiming infringement/copyright issues regarding images on their website. This email came in through their contact form on the website. They forwarded the email to me concerned. After some internet


3 Key Ways Content Marketing Can Grow Your Business

You absolutely need to consider content marketing to enhance your business building efforts. But, you may ask, what is content marketing and how can it work for me? Good questions. First, content marketing is simply using information to market your business. By providing good and relevant information, you are immediately

control your online business img
Business Owner Information

How to Keep Control of Your Online Business

Having a website for your business, no matter what it is you are selling, has become a necessity for everyone who is serious about their business. Depending on what kind of product or service you sell, the website might be more important than your brick and mortar store. What’s more,

website design tips

Tips for Choosing Your Website Design

When it comes to your business website design, you don’t want to choose just any old design. You want to take some time to think about what you want your website to say to your potential clients. Consider the fact that your website is the first impression some of your

Business Owner Information

Use the New Year to Get a Fresh Site

A new year brings along many new adventures, hopes, and dreams. When you’re a business owner, it can also bring around fresh ideas for the year to come. One of the main faces of your business is your website. Whether you’re an online only business or you’re a local restaurant,

blog ideas

Ideas for Adding Content to Your Blog

If you’re like me, the opportunity to write a blog post can be both exciting and overwhelming. You may be run over with ideas for content or you might feel writers block. You may be searching and trying to find just the right ideas to share on your business blog

wordpress business website
Business Owner Information

4 Reasons You Should Convert Your Site to WordPress

Whether you’re a business owner, blogger, or a site owner, converting your current website to WordPress is probably a question you have floating around daily. Are there really any benefits in going from HTML to WordPress? Should you take the time to convert it yourself or work with someone who


3 Reasons Your Website Needs to Stay Updated and Fresh

When you own a business today, you need to have a website for consumers and potential clients to visit. One cardinal rule of having a successful website is to have fresh and updated content on it at all times. Whether you’re just starting out with a site or you have

Industry News

Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?

**Latest News Flash** – effective April 21st 2015 Google is changing their algorithm to take into account whether or not a website is mobile friendly. What does “mobile friendly” mean? It means, your website should be easy to read and load fast on a smartphone or tablet. Your website should

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